Two army bases, four barracks and in the end the aircraft carrier. I pretty much chose a hippy, openminded, but militaristic state. Transition to Modern Age is pretty much the same as before. Makes the atheist state thingy kind of pointless and if you're minmaxing you are forced to build churches. No matter what I did, I couldn't get rid of them. I created an atheist state, yet despite my efforts to remove as many religious people over half of my citizens were angry because I didn't build churches. If you don't have a huge cotton production going on you'll get a +10, maybe a +20 if you're lucky. The only way to increase it apart from increasing the budget seems to be the fashion factory which one, seems to be bugged in terms of production storage and two increases the service quality by a maximum of ten. I had problems keeping up the service quality in my buildings.
I was allied to the Russians for a while but the US didn't seem to be worried, except for one scripted CIA attack. The range on every bonus is incredibly small and useless for a lot of buildings later on.Īfter that not much happened. You pretty much have to put them as close as possible together and think ahead. I had problems with planations getting bonuses. They just rush trough your city to some predetermined building. The enemy never shoots at buildings that make sense to attack. You pretty much hope that the enemy forces and yours meet. The way the army behaves is a bit odd, especially if tanks come into play. I allied with the Axis after that, but they lose no matter what you do. I played on hard/hard so I was under 50%. Didn't play the tutorial so I had no idea why I couldn't go independent before the timer ran out. I like the new plantations, they allow my OCD brain to function. Supposedly more interesting this time around. Last time I tried this by making weapons and selling them to the middle east not much happened and I had to purposely make the US angry which merely gets you a Game Over screen. My goal was to make as many enemies as possible. I played far too much of this today, but here's my first impression:

I'd like to mess around in multi-player before I can say if this game will be eating up all my free-time in the near future or not. Overall, I'm enjoying it but am I little bit disappointed at the same time. The new Penultimo sounds like a toolbag compared to 4's. If I had played this game first, I'd probably never try the others and I probably wouldn't play after finishing the campaigns. The humor and silly voice acting were what made me fall hard for Tropico. The voice acting is sub-par compared to 4. Even the new characters' pictures are less caricature-like than they were previously. Way more serious than it is for others, I'm sure. I don't like the new voice actors or characters. It just seems like it should have been put in to begin with, as I remember quite a bit of clamoring for them in 4. The devs did announce that they'd be implementing them soon, so its not a huge deal. I don't like the lack of WASD camera controls. I should be able to have a shitty little clinic before the first war if I have the cash for it.
In-game, I think the amount of content gated by the wars is a bit extreme. Obviously, the war gating makes sense historically most of the time. There is the research gating (which is fine on its own) and the war requirement gating (which is annoying and unnecessary in a lot of cases). I don't like the amount of gated content. It looks nice, but personally I find it just makes it hard to judge where to drop ranches/plantations/etc. It is hard to see underneath all the trees. It makes it a bit easier to set up your island. I like the snap-to-grid effect when placing buildings/roads. It adds some depth to the trading, which is something I didn't know Tropico needed until now. I like the trading system changes, or what I've seen of them so far.

Not as good as 4, in my personal opinion, but still good. I have played a few campaigns in 5 so far, and here are my initial impressions.
#Tropico 4 wasd series#
I've played each of the Tropico games, but really fell in love with the series at 4.